
2006-10-27 6:47 pm

回答 (3)

2006-10-27 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
本人應為金融業前景較好. 會計不是沒有前景, 而是你在香港讀會計很難在大陸市場發展(因我的客戶告訴我香港吸納大陸的會計師, 但從香港搬到大陸發展的廠或公司已逐步連會計都搬上大陸, 反正大陸有會計師, 何需請香港人呢? 所以會計的行業競爭會越來越大.
相反金融業現時香港數一數二, 要發展尚有機會, 當然過多幾年就冇人知la.
2006-10-28 7:41 am
If money is what we are taking about:-

1. never work in the accounting filed unless you are employed by Big 4 (believe it or not, the accounting field is full of discriminations. If you are not from Big 4, you will find it extremely hard to progress with your career).

2. never work in the back office for financial industry e.g. operation, compliance, HR etc unless it is an i-bank (back offices in commercial banks are cost centers only. There are little chances for promotion. If you are not promoted, your salary increment will be very small, usually several hundred dollar each year).

3. if you wnat to work in a commercial bank, try the front line e.g. fpm, pfpm, cso etc.(having said that, you should bear in mind that the quota and traget are really high and hardly achievable).
2006-10-27 7:12 pm
Accounting is better because the demand from China is high.
Even though you do not want to work there, the demand may as a result recruit numbers of HK existing accountant, then the opening position in Hong Kong is correspondingly becoming more and more.

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