
2006-10-27 6:46 pm
本人酷愛動物, 希望可以讀一些關於動物的科目,可是本人出身文科,沒有science底,即使現在將勤補拙,仍沒信心讀獸醫。曾經聽過有一門職業叫作veterinary technician(vet tech) 和veterinary assistant. 本人深感興趣,可是本不知道應報讀什麼科目才可以成為其一。


ps: 本人正在加拿大(toronto)讀書中.......敢問有什麼好介紹??

回答 (1)

2006-10-29 12:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
In order to become a VT/VA, you will need background in math, biology and chemistry. You will need to register with the Ontario Association of VTs in order to become a VT in Ontario, see their website at http://www.oavt.org/index.php
Since you're in ON, check out the following school [for example only]
You'll need a strong background in Science to become a VT, if you are not confident or you have not taken Science courses in Highschool, you might want to look at another path of career or take some time to master science.
Good luck

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