Were do jellyfish live@What they look like

2006-10-27 8:50 am
Where do they live?
What do that look like?
Help me!!!!!

回答 (1)

2006-10-27 8:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Jellyfish live in the ocean, they can be found in every ocean in the world.

The body of an adult jellyfish is composed of a bell-shaped, jellylike substance enclosing its internal structure, from which the creatures tentacles suspend. Each tentacle is covered with stinging cells (cnidocytes) that can sting or kill other animals.

2006-10-27 01:01:41 補充:
bell-shaped 鐘狀的jellylike 果凍狀的substance 物質enclosing 圍住internal 內部的tentacles 觸鬚,觸手,觸角suspend 飄浮,懸浮stinging 刺般的cells 細胞cnidocytes【生】刺細胞(腔腸動物的防禦器,生於體壁的外層)

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