this girl is a user!!?

2006-10-27 5:50 am
this girl in my science class is like a user she copies my science work n hw copies my math hw what the heck is wrong wit her????
she calls me her friend jus bc she can copy me!!!!!
im too shy to say no to her for some reason
i dont know why she even copies me im not that smart
n now shes askin me 4 money
plzz help me!!
should i switch my science class?
should i seat somewhere else?
i need advices!!!!!!!!!

uh i read 1 of the answers that said i hav a crush on her and thats like gay i just like to work alone quitely not usually wit other people

回答 (22)

2006-10-27 5:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Is it shy or just the fear of a negative reaction? Don't let her use you, now the CIVIL way is just to tell her "hey, i appreciate you lookin to me to help you, but i don't like to be used, i'm sorry...and the only time you want to talk to me or whatever is when you need somethin from me, and i'm sorry but that' gonna have to stop." If she doesn't like it..OH WELL, she doesn't own you. If she's a REAL friend, she'll understand and stop, if she ain't, she'll either b*tch, or no longer mess with you. If she gets crunk, whoop her azz, or tell the teacher, or get someone else to whoop her azz.....when there's a will there's a way. Good luck.
2006-10-27 5:53 am
Learn to say "no"?
2006-10-27 5:55 am
yes and yes! get as far away from this girl as possible and practice saying no. i mean, it's your work for goodness're working your tail off for YOU, not for the both of you! don't feel selfish about it because you are doing what you need and deserve, and it's this other girl who is being the selfish one by creeping too far into your life. and the longer you wait until you say no, the more she's learning that you will give into her. she's manipulating you to get what she wants, and this is not right and it's not fair to you, and you should stick up for yourself! you can do it!!!!!!! :)

tell her if she wants money, she should get a job. and if she wants homework answers, she can figure it out on her own.
2006-10-27 5:54 am
the best thing is to say no and mean no but you can also put wrong answers down let her copy then change the answer to the correct one when u get ur paper back but the best thing is to say NO!!! Don't be a pushover. If she's really ur friend she'll be your friend after you say no.
2006-10-27 5:53 am
Stand up to her and tell her no. I used to be shy too but when I started telling people no, I felt much better and I could not believe a simple word like no can make a difference in people walking all over you or taking advantage of you. Trust me. Try it. It will work.
2006-10-27 5:53 am
ask your teacher to be moved to a different desk and tell her NO about the money. NO NO NO learn it love it . the word i mean.. NO
2006-10-27 5:53 am
if u dont want her, copying ur answers...u can do 1 thing....give an assignment with all the wrong answers to her, wehn she is done with the copying..u go and submit the right ones.....she will neer ask 4 ur answers again.....and dont ever lend a single dollar 2 her
2006-10-27 5:53 am
I would just tell her no and tell her to leave you a lone as you do not consider her your friend....if she was your friend she would be kind to you and help you and not borrow money from you or copy your work where you could both get in trouble. She sounds more like a user than a friend....if we all had friends like that...we would not need any enemies...
2006-10-27 5:53 am
Just say no... You work hard to get your answers and she should have to too! Tell a teacher or someone in authority at your school
2006-10-27 5:53 am
Juz say 'no' and ignore her
2006-10-27 5:52 am
you should tell her to get off your back. she is using you. you should just not talk to her and ignore her. secretly ask your teacher to switch seats. don't let her use you. if you really have to , then just tell her off.
2016-10-03 12:22 pm
the funniest bit is the tip 'sorry for any inconvenience' the be conscious bargirl is caught in my head now. erm i continually puzzled approximately Jungenhaftes Mädchen, she provides some exceedingly unusual solutions.
2006-10-27 9:42 am
if you're too shy to say no, just approach a teacher and tell her that.

If your class don't really like people talking to teachers, then gather your courage and say NO! If she falls out with you, just ignore her. This kind of friends are not worth your attention. Or just ask her to find someone else to copy the homework.
2006-10-27 6:14 am
I would put all the wrong answers, but make a back up of the right answers of whatever school work you're doing. So if she copies off of you, she will really screw up in the class. She will realize it soon enough. That's just a funny idea. But stand up and tell her no. Sit somewhere else, if she ask why you are sitting somewhere else, tell her that she is invading your personal bubble. When she ask for money, tell her you don't have any, or remind her that you are not her bank.
2006-10-27 6:02 am
You're very young, so this is the time to learn one of life's most important lesson.

Just Say No.

There's nothing in the world she can do to you. If you run, you could be running for the rest of your life. Hate to sound like an old man in this, but please trust me - in a year she won't matter one bit, but if you get into a pattern of letting people walk all over you, you could be in it for life - with the men in your life, at your job, with your friends...

You KNOW what she's doing is wrong. You KNOW what you have to do. You KNOW that running away, sitting somewhere else, switching classes, all these other excuses you're coming up with will only hurt you in the end. There is no running away. You have to say something like:

"No, I'm not going to lend you money. And I don't want you copying my homework - it's not fair. Sorry." Maybe give her a little shrug...

What's she going to do? Call you a b*tch? So what? Try and get people against you? So what? Really? So what?

Never let people take advantage of you, or use you, or manipulate you. You're too smart, you're too special, and you have too much integrity. If you want inspiration, pick up a book or see the movie about Gandhi (ask your mom). Little frail guy, got so sick of people pushing him around he defeated the British Empire and freed the Nation of India without a war or firing a shot. Great man, and all because he said no to being pushed around.

It's hard, it's scary, but you're in very great company, and all of you have to say no at some time. Make it now.

Best of Luck.
2006-10-27 5:58 am
Well, like everyone i'd normally tell you to just stand up to her and say no, but I know how it feels to be shy and I know that even when you know someone is using you, its not that easy to say no. You should ask to be moved so she cant copy you, and tell her that you dont have any money. If you can, confide in the teacher and let him or her know that you can not sit by this girl because she tries to copy off of you. If you quit letting her use you, you wont have to worry about getting her out of your life because she'll move on to someone else who lets her use them.
2006-10-27 5:58 am
No!!! You need to stand your ground and say NO! Once you break that barrier she;ll know you aren't with that,Or write no copying on a piece of paper that way if you re caught you aren't the one holding the bag.or else shes going to take your lunch money your credit cards and then your car. Watch out. OK?
2006-10-27 5:58 am
She is a lazy girl and doesn't want to do her homework. Why don't you give her a copy of a bad report you did and don't show her the correct answers. If she gets an "F" just tell her you gave her your practice sheet by mistake. Maybe that will teach her a lesson. I am sure she will fail her tests anyway, even if she copies you. Tell her you don't have any money, because you are on a tight budget. Tell her to ask her parents for money, because you are not in the position to provide loans. Don't switch your science class, because of a dead bead.
2006-10-27 5:55 am
get as far away from this girl as possible....she is trouble!! don't speak to her and don't allow her to copy your work, keep your work well away from her prying eyes. if she insists, then tell the teacher, she has more to lose. she will get the hint eventually
2006-10-27 6:07 am
The reason you cant say 'no' is maybe you have a crush on her. and this makes it hard on you. I suggest that you just ignore her. and try to be frank with her. It is not reasonable for you to change classes because of her.there maybe other problems as well inother classes.
2006-10-27 5:52 am
This should be a kid business~~
Just get rid of her with rude, cussing word~
once and for all...
2006-10-27 5:52 am

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