how can i get super thin super fast?

2006-10-26 6:44 pm
i currently weigh 137 and am 5 ft 4 3/4 ft tall. According to my gym trainer and all the web sites out there im normal and healthy. But i want to be as thin as all my friends!! They can't ALL be anorexic and bulemic, or are they? All you super goregeous and thin chicks, do you ALL have eating disorders of some kind?

回答 (13)

2006-10-26 6:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Run super fast and super far and eat super little
2006-10-26 6:47 pm
Drink alot of water.
2006-10-26 6:45 pm
Snap into a Slim Jim!.... Ohhhh Yeeeeah!
2006-10-26 6:51 pm
2016-10-03 11:55 am
Your weight is exceedingly healthful atm. in any case, in case you insist on dropping greater, there are some procedures. option a million: Burn greater calorie than the intake. exercising and eat healthful (no longer something different than water and probably some eco-friendly tea in basic terms). Sleep early, awaken early. option 2: No exercising yet eat very healthful. decrease out all sugar different than culmination yet shop 2 products in basic terms according to day and 5 serving of vegetables. No ingesting after 7pm. Sleep early, awaken early. The differece between a million and a couple of is the exercising. option 3: Volunteer to babysit youthful youngsters. I assure you they burn your energy.
2006-10-30 3:02 am
There are numerous ways to get "super thin super fast" (for example doing something insane like taking laxatives or not eating) but once you stop doing these things you'll also gain the weight back super fast. They're just temporary solutions. Not everyone is meant to have the same body type. Be happy with your curves! If you want to tone up however, eat more protein and less carbs, and work out regularly (although it seems you're doing the exercise portion already) On a side note, judging from the polls from guys on preferred body types on this very site, super thin isn't considered sexy by the majority.
2006-10-26 8:38 pm
I mean hey, if the anorexia doesn't work there's always a super hot meth addiction, the boys will come a runnin then. Some of us just have super thin genes, deal with it.
2006-10-26 7:54 pm
I am super thin and short. I get traumatized with my skinny legs, arms and Do Not wear heels because that makes my legs seem more thin. I would reallly like to gain weight but if you want to loose weight excercise , eat healthy, and do not vomit or try something damaging to your health. I dont have any eating disorders , on the other hand , I eat like a pig. I am very happy.
2006-10-26 7:23 pm
Go on a liquid diet. Get some protein powder at your gym and eat only that. It has alot of vitamins and enough protein to keep you alive and healthy but you will drop tons of weight very quickly.
2006-10-26 6:55 pm
U are who u are,don't just turn yourself into something u are not. If u get super thin in a short period of time,all u do is hurting yourself... but if u wanna lose weights,just eat grapefruit and cabbage soup,I've tried it,it really works,but couldn't last for long,because without eating enough,u'll get kinda dizzy. Good Luck.
2006-10-26 6:50 pm
There really isn't an answer to this this question; the human body doesn't work that way. The body responds to drastic changes in diet and/or exercise by adjusting the metabolism. A person has to be very patient, eat less and exercise more; the weight will come off slowly.
2006-10-26 6:48 pm
Go to your local health food store and get some herbal tea. Look for the one that makes you crap for days. read the directions first and make sure you get your routine physicals from your doctor.
2006-10-26 6:54 pm
didnt u hear of models and celebrities taking laxitives? just do that for a bit

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