有咩平辦法由Gatwick 去 Stansted機場

2006-10-27 7:33 am
有咩平辦法由Gatwick 去 Stansted機場~又不太麻煩的....
national express 50磅~貴死人咩~~

回答 (4)

2006-10-27 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
National Express Airport Direct Coach Services

At Stansted there is a modern dedicated coach station in front of the terminal, well signposted. There is a ticket/information office at the coach station.
At Gatwick the coach visits both terminals. The coach terminates at South Terminal. There are ticket/information offices well signposted in both terminals.

Fare : Adult £25.00* Single, £30.50* Return

There are around 25 journeys each day between Stansted and Gatwick each way.

Journey Time : Around 3 hours but allow longer

Currently, their website error

If you urgently require times or fare information, or if you need to make a reservation,
call our enquiry number on 08705 80 80 80 (International +44 8705 80 80 80).
These telephone lines are open 08:00 to 20:00 hours UK time.
2006-11-04 4:44 pm

首先在Gatwick 機場火車站坐火車出 London Victoria 火車站 (建議坐 Southern Trains, 唔好咁傻去坐 Gatwick Express, 後者車程只係比前者快幾分鐘, 不過貴4鎊!), Southern Trains 單程是 £9, 班次頻密, 車程 35 - 40 分鐘。

去到London Victoria 火車站, 用側門出口 (13 / 14 號月台附近, 面向月台在你右面的小出口, 不是正門大出口).. 出了車站, 轉左, 直行會有一交通燈, 過路再向前行就是 Greenline Coach Station, 佢o既斜對面係 National Express o既Coach Station.. 兩邊都有 Coach 去 Stansted 機場, 不過前者較便宜。 建議先預早在網上訂票, 網址如下。Terravision 車, 單程 £8.00, 在 Greenline Coach Station 上 (基本上係路邊巴士站); National Express, 單程 £10.00, 在 National Express Coach Station 上。大家車程都是 75 分鐘咁上下。大家班次都頗密, 以National Express 為更多, 最密時會係15-20分鐘一班車, 大家都係通宵服務, 所以絕對不怕入Stansted 趕廉航早機。

Terravision: http://www.lowcostcoach.com
National Express: http://www.nationalexpress.com

有個預算, 如果想看埋火車時間, 可在 http://www.nationalrail.co.uk 查詢, 出發地會是 Gatwick Airport, 目的地是 London Victoria

2006-11-04 08:56:07 補充:
記得如果係坐Terravision 車, 某些班次 (佢網上timetable 以藍色表示) 會係就咁o向 Victoria 火車站轉出來的大街 (Buckingham Palace Road) 路邊巴士站上車 (OxfordTube 巴士站後面), 如果係其他班次, 就會係那棟建築物入面 (去到你自然會見到) 正正 Greenline Coach Station 入面上 (也是 Megabus 車站)。佢網頁上有講的, 也有一個小型地圖給你先了解一下位置。
參考: 我多次出入倫敦各個機場的經驗
2006-10-29 6:58 am
Please log on www.nationalexpress.co.uk
You will get a single journey from Gatwick to Stansted for £25, return £30.5
the journey time will be from 2 hrs 40 min to 3 hrs. This is the most convenient way.
Don't think there will be any cheaper route, : train to Victoria (don't know the price, might be over £20) + national express coach from Victoria station to stansted (£7 single) or train from liverpool street to Stansted airport (ove £10)
2006-10-28 12:06 am
National Express 單程25鎊已是最平又最方便。

2006-10-27 16:08:27 補充:

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