有冇錯呀d文法 (very short)

2006-10-27 7:03 am
if YOU were a selish people ,nobody like you .Also ,helping people is a happy things, so we should help people more often

回答 (9)

2006-10-27 7:17 am
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If you are a selfish person, nobody will like you. Besides, helping people is a happy thing. That's why we should help people more often.

精益求精:(因為上面只係冇語法錯誤, 但仍然係 Chingish, 如果想似樣d, 就轉個講法)

If you are being selfish, nobody is going to like you. Moreover, helping people out will make you happy. That's why we should offer help to others more often.
參考: myself
2006-10-30 8:20 am
if you are a selfish person, nobody will like you. Helping people is a happy thing, we should help people more often.-
2006-10-28 1:21 am
在文化上,有兩處錯誤,第一你應該用”If you are a selfish......”而不是用”if You were.....”,因為用were表示那件事幾近沒有可能發生,但相信我們每個人都很容易自私。第二處文化是onbody後面的動詞要用跟第三身單數形態,即likes而不是like。

其實你的英文也不太差,可以接受;但我們應該儘量完善我們的英文水準,相信”helping people is a happy things”是指「助人為快樂之本」,下面我引用楊鐵樑在明報的一段英文,這個說法才是外國人的說法。

【助人為快樂之本:Unless we think of others and do something for them, we miss one of the greatest sources of happiness 。意思是﹕如果我們沒有顧及他人,沒有為別人做點事情,我們便錯過了一大快樂的來源。《明報:楊官英語》】


If you are selfish, nobody will like you. Moreover, unless we think of others and do something for them, we miss one of the greatest sources of happiness, so we should help others more often.


Not only because nobody will like selfish people, but also unless we think of others and do something for them, we miss one of the greatest sources of happiness, so we should always give a helping hand to others.
2006-10-27 9:22 pm
if YOU were a selish people ,nobody like you .Also ,helping people is a happy things, so we should help people more often

If you are a selfish person, nobody will like you, and also helping others is a happy thing to do, so we should help peolpe more often.
2006-10-27 4:54 pm
First, let me correct your grammar, then I'll show you how I would write a sentence with a similar meaning.

People is plural, if you use the article 'a', you should use a singular noun which is person. You can omit the word people in the first sentence. Also, we often use the word will with if .

You shouldn't use were in this sentence because it implies that it is almost impossible for that person to be selfish. However, the second sentence suggests that you are laying a condition for an argument which is a logical fact, so 'are' should be used instead of 'were'.

If you are selfish, nobody will like you.

You have made the same mistake in the second sentence - use a plural noun with 'a'. It should be a happy thing.

Also, helping people is a happy things, so you should help people more often.

Now the 2 sentenses are grammatically correct.

If I were you, I would write the sentence as follow:

No one like a selfish person, so we should feel privileged to be able to help someone.
參考: myself
2006-10-27 7:39 am
Nobody will like you if you are a selfish person.

We should help people more often as helping people is a happy thing.
2006-10-27 7:13 am

It should be,

If you were a selfish person, nobody will like you. Also, helping people is a happy thing, so we should help people more often.
參考: me
2006-10-27 7:10 am
If you were a selfish people, nobody like you. Also, helping people is a happy thing, we should help people more often.
2006-10-27 7:08 am
no,no other錯

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