我想問怎樣計出新的均衡價格& 稅項的收益?

2006-10-27 6:59 am

價格($) 需求量(單位)供應量(單位)
30 90 60
32 80 65
34 70 70
36 60 75
38 50 80
40 40 85


a) 若每售出一單位葡萄酒政府便徵稅$6,新的均衡價格是 $36~
b) 政府在上述稅項的收益是 $360~

.....我想問怎樣從上述的表, 計出新的均衡價格是 $36 & 稅項的收益是 $360 呢?

( 這是94年ecom mc question 8,9)

回答 (1)

2006-10-27 8:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
The supply curve shifts up vertically by the amount of tax so the new demand and supply schedules are as follows:

價格($) 需求量(單位)供應量(單位)
30 90
32 80
34 70
36 60 60
38 50 65
40 40 70

(For example, the quantity supplied at $36 now is equal to the previous quantity supplied at $30, and so on. That's what I mean by supply shifting up by the amount of tax)

So the new equilibrium price, which equates quantity demanded and new quantity supplied, is $36.

After the tax, the new quantity transaction is 60 units. Since $6 is taxed on each unit, the tax revenue would be 60 * $6 = $360

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 22:36:04
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