RuneScape 問題

2006-10-27 6:19 am
點樣cut sapphire??

回答 (4)

2006-10-28 5:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
要cut Sapphire只要use chisel with Uncut sapphire 就行了,你需要有 20 crafting lvl,每cut 一粒sapphire 就有50xp o架啦!Chisel 可以在general store 用1gp買到,或者在carfting guild(需要你有40 carfting lvl + brown apron,加油train o下啦!)免費拿。

升Attack (chop,'Accurate'那個) 會增加你擊中敵人的機會,即是少d你打敵人時打唔到而出現0的機會。

升Strength (即是slash, 'Aggressive'那個icon)會增加你的攻擊能力,高str lvl 你的max. hit 大d,你會變成一個hard-hitter,個敵人就快瓜d啦!

想train atk 定str 視乎個人喜好,你想hit harder 定 準d呀?我就覺得train str較有用,但最好當然平衡地train 所有melee (atk, str. def)啦!


2006-10-27 21:06:33 補充:
d “&#39”係“ ’”o黎o架!唔知點解變o左咁……

2006-10-29 19:47:16 補充:
o向 wilderness 打人d xp都係照加,不過危險d,好易冇命。runecarfting 要完成 Rune Mysterious Quest先,跟住你就有個 air talismen,你到air alter 就可以整air runes,要到一定程度lvl先可以整其他runes。有其他問題可以email (按入我name)問我~
參考: www.runescap. com + 小妹經驗
2006-10-27 9:36 pm
20 crafting ( not 25lv dont believe )
以我的經驗加strength 勁d
2006-10-27 9:24 pm
u need lv 25 craftinfg and just get a knife with the sapphire!
strength is the best cause i am lv 69 strength and with out armour i can hit 12!
but attk just get it more acurate! so i prefer strength!

2006-10-30 17:12:36 補充:
yes sry is 20 not 25!
2006-10-27 6:13 pm
each 5 level of strength can hit one more hit point

2006-10-30 00:23:19 補充:
cut sapphire need crafting lvl 25,then use chisel with the sapphire, then you can cut it

2006-10-30 00:27:35 補充:
係wilderness打人有經驗加if you want to kill people in wildnessi think you need to bring one more poeple that lower then your lvl 1 or 2because if you fight someone, they will attack him frist, because your friend have the lower lvl, they will think your friend is easyer to kill.

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