Deported by the UK in last September

2006-10-27 6:03 am
I have been deported by the British Home Office due to the work permit matter just last year. 1.Can I now go to visit to UK again with new SARS passport? 2.Will they check my visited record,passport record(I applyed work permit with BNO) when I arrived? 3.Is that more easyer if I go to UK by EuroStar?I heard about the immigration service in France to UK doesn't ask very detailing about my visit? Is that true?Someone told me I won't be able to get to UK again?Which is the truth?Thanks

I see.Thanks. But can I try other way to get there by such as change my given name?Is that work?Anybody know?Thanks

回答 (2)

2006-10-28 4:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since you have been deported by the UK Home Office, I am sure you are included in their blacklist which will be checked against travellers they have suspicion. Same procedure will apply whether you travel by Eurostar or flight. To be sure of your case, I suggest that you make enquiry with British Consulate, HK.
2006-10-28 11:49 am
Once a Deportation Order is signed by the IND of Home Office, you are not allowed to return to UK until the order is terminated by the Secretary of Home Office. If you attempt to enter UK knowingly that a Deportation Order is signed against you, you can be arrested and charged. If you must enter UK, you will need to submit an application to the Secretary of home Office for approval. This applies to whether you use BN(O) or HKSAR Passport.
Despite a Deportation Order is made against you in UK, you are free to travel anywhere else in Europe. However, as long as you reach the UK border and attempt to enter, you will be liable for criminal charges from the IND.
Even if you changed your name and enter UK successfully, you would have committed a crime under the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 Sec. 25B
Good luck

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