CHEM----fossil fuels (10分!!!!)

2006-10-27 5:51 am
LPG is a domestic fuel, commonly used in HK. It is a mixture of mainly propane and butane, liquefied under pressure. It is stored in strong cylinders.
Why is the fuel stored as a liquid and not as a gas?

What are the advantages of using gaseous fuels?

回答 (4)

2006-10-27 6:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) It is because liquidified gas can hve a small volume, this can help store more fuels in a smaller volume.

2)The advantages of using gaseous fuels is that the burning of gaseous fuels produce less pollutants than others fuels, for ex., carbon dioxide.
2006-10-29 1:55 am
1) When it is in liquid state, it is more easy to handle and control it,as we can see the liquid by eyes but gases cannot.

2)As gaseous fuels are light, the fuels for the transportation are less than the liquid form.
2006-10-28 3:10 am
It is because not all the daily apperence can used by gas(car),also it is easy to store.....

(maybe if the gas spell out ,it will polute the environment)

It is because it will poduce less greenhouse gases.
參考: 我唔係好sure
2006-10-27 6:01 am
Because it can be stored easily after liquefied.

The advavtage of using gaseous fuels is the toxic chemicals which are produced when burning it are less than using other fuels

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