
2006-10-27 5:23 am






回答 (3)

2006-10-27 6:20 am
If you see traffic accident taking place in English of Longmen ....Do you click and do?

The traffic accident? Happen in the road ...

Does the granny pass the road closely ?

A granny crosses the road arbitrarily, does not abide by the rule .
參考: dr eye
2006-10-27 5:43 am
The traffic accident takes place in the middle of the road.The old woman is crossing the road but she she crosses the road arbitrarily.唔知可唔可以help you,我d english唔係好好......
2006-10-27 5:36 am
If you witnessed traffic accident, what would you do?
The tragedy happened in the middle of road
An old woman was crossing the road
An old woman jaywalked

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