"pieces of broken glass" in one word?

2006-10-27 4:08 am
how can you call "pieces of broken glass" in one word?

回答 (5)

2006-10-27 4:53 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. 碎片,破片;斷片
The glass fell to the floor and broke into fragments.
參考: Yahoo! Dictionary
2006-11-10 10:49 pm
fragments 只是「碎片」, 並非玻璃碎片!!
不過, 係無單一個字可以表示 ”pieces of broken glass”, 最短都要兩個字: glass fragments.
a. (n.) Small pieces of broken glass, metal and other debris that remains at the scene of an accident for months after.from unwords.com

2006-10-28 08:49:24 補充:
2006-10-27 4:27 am
smashed glass
2006-10-27 4:17 am
This is no word that has the exact meaning of "pieces of broken glass"


DEBRIS is one. however, it is not necessary to be pieces of broken glass. It can mean pieces of broken pottery.

2006-10-26 23:39:33 補充:
FRAGMENT is ok too. But the meaning of FRAGMENT is even broader. We can even say 'fragment of a conversation'. Fragments can be something intangible.

2006-10-27 22:51:52 補充:
To 英文白痴:ACCIDUE is not a good word since it is not commonly used. It comes from UNword, meaning 'not a word'

2006-10-27 23:43:26 補充:
The meaning of fragments is too broad!

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