whats LC?

2006-10-27 1:26 am
LC  係咩? 幾時開架?

回答 (2)

2006-10-27 10:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Letter of Credit 信用狀.

你可理解成 擔保證明書. 通常由銀行發出, 用於出入口Trading.

當進口商向出口高買貨時, 出口高可能會怕交完貨但収唔到錢, 會要求進口商找擔保.
進口商就拿張PO俾銀行睇, 等銀行出LC擔保. 有了銀行LC擔保, 出口商咪放心交貨囉.

如果第日真係出口高按LC內容出貨, 而進口商収左貨唔俾錢, 銀行就要負責.
2006-10-27 1:41 am
Letter of Credit
When you issue the PO, if the term and condition required and L/C issue by the bank, then and official L/C would be issued accordingly.

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