
2006-10-27 1:00 am
Bethany Hamilton Update

When surfer girl Bethany Hamilton was attacked by a shark off the North Shore of Kauai, Hawaii, in 2003, she lost an arm, but not her drive. Now 16 and still home-schooled, Hamilton has blossomed as an entrepreneur, building a small empire of merchandise,

including a perfume called Stoked and a line of accessories called Bethany Hamilton sold at teen favorite Claire's.


Hamilton is also working on a young-adult fiction series and three advice books. "It's been really exciting," she says. "I'm happy I'll be able to tell my story and inspire other girls." She won't be telling that story for the first time or the last. Soul Surfer,


her autobiography, came out in 2004, and the movie version is set to start shooting this fall. Who might play Bethany? The filmmakers' target list includes Emma Watson (Harry Potter's friend Hermione) and Britney Spears' sister Jamie Lynn.


Hamilton's love, though, remains surfing. She spends three weeks in a typical month traveling to competitions and has surfed off Brazil, Indonesia and Australia. But there are no waves like home. "Hawaii," she says, "will always be my favorite."


Please choose the best answer. 1. According to paragraph one, why did Hamilton lose her arm? A. Because she wore too much perfume when she was surfing. B. Because a shark attacked her while she was surfing.


C. Because she wore an inappropriate outfit while she was surfing. D. Because she was attacked by a fierce lion in a forest.


2. The word "shooting" in paragraph two means _____. A. hitting B. filming C. hunting D. viewing


3. It can be inferred from paragraph two that _____. A. Hamilton's first book has already sold millions of copies B. the main characters of Soul Surfer will be picked by Hamilton C. Hamilton hasn't been discouraged by her tragic experience


D. Britney Spears doesn't want her sister to become a movie star 4. According to paragraph three, _____. A. Hawaii means a lot to Hamilton B. Hamilton has given up surfing for good C. Indonesia has the best oceans for surfing


D. Hamilton is now living in Australia

回答 (1)

2006-10-27 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
2. filming

2006-10-26 17:07:39 補充:
1. Because a shark attacked her while she was surfing.

2006-10-26 17:08:54 補充:
4. . Hawaii means a lot to Hamilton

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