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用小畫家同photoshop 逐張整真係死得人喇... 最快既方法其實係用D可以有batch processing (批次處理) 既執相programme
我上網搵過, 呢個programme 應該好岩你既要求, download 落黎, rename個 exe file 做 PhotoResizeXXX.exe (你想要既像素), 再drag n drop 成個folder 入個exe icon 度... 快靚正!
(不過我平時用PhotoImpact 同Photoshop, 要俾$$$, 無用過其他免費batch執相programme)
Picture Resizer is an easy-to-use tool for batch resizing of JPG pictures and photos. Drag and drop JPG files, or folders with JPG files, onto the application icon and they will be resized and saved next to the originals. Size of the output pictures is controlled by the name of the application. To generate 200 pixels images, simply rename the application to PhotoResize200.exe (or create a copy of the application and then rename it).
我覺得買得400D黎影相, 就唔好係影哥陣整細張相, 因為原相太細印出黎又唔靚, 要cut相既某部份出黎做其他野哥陣先發現像素唔夠就後悔莫及... 如果真係要細相既, 最好都養成個習慣, 係download 到電腦, 再copy 一份出黎先做resize, 咁有個原相底第二時想做其他野都得...
BTW, 我呢排用緊個網上相簿幾好用, 有得幫你resize張相先放上網, 慳返D位:
http://www.skyalbum.com.hk, 免費!GB任用, 不妨試下