2006-10-27 12:17 am
well yea i think we kinda start this long distance relationship, i never expect that, but i think it is happening now. we met online, we hv seen each other in webcam, and talked in the phone already. we chatted almost everyday. i actually see her as my GF, she said i m her BF too.

回答 (1)

2006-10-27 12:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
how can u like a person just by online and phone conversation, need to be more realistic u know, i thk u need to go out more and meet mroe ppl, in the same way u can meet other gals in ur own area, or treat other girls like u treat her, i mean in this way u will know how it feels right?? but in a realistic way instead of online / long D!!!
Anyway, i guess u r still very young, otherwise u won't even ask these question, cos when i was 13 i had the same problem as u, but then things just faded cos online is online, too diff from the real world, just stop calling each other then u both will drift apart and just faded. Next summer is so long and far away, u'll probably meet someone in the real world more worthy than her. I'm not here to judge u or to crush ur dream, but online relationship is REALLY, just a dream, especially u having even met this girl. If u feel sad abt her telling u abt other guys, tht means u r already too devoted in this relationship and u r already selfish abt it, cos ppl treating her nice doesn't mean she has to be with the person, so face the truth, u wanna own her and really being selfish + childish. Overall, u sounded like u really want a gf, then be more socialise in the real world and mean a REAL girl, good luck man!
參考: me

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