(請好心人士幫忙!!) 英文翻譯中文

2006-10-26 11:15 pm
Start with the innovative Crispy Tasmanian Scallops with Roasted Boudin Noir with Potato Anglaise, Fried Shallot Rings, Baby Capers and Sauce Diable before enjoying the Mulataga Rock Lobster or the oven-baked wild Barramundi, arguably Australia’s most famous and delicious seafood.

Thanks for answering so detail 3

回答 (2)

2006-10-27 2:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Start with the innovative Crispy Tasmanian Scallops with Roasted Boudin Noir with Potato Anglaise, Fried Shallot Rings, Baby Capers and Sauce Diable before enjoying the Mulataga Rock Lobster or the oven-baked wild Barramundi, arguably Australia’s most famous and delicious seafood.
首先品嚐具創意的鮮脆塔斯曼尼亞帶子配法式烤血紅香腸和甜棗薯仔、炸青蔥圈、嫩續隨子花芽及芥末洋蔥醬汁。繼而享用的,是澳洲萊拉特嘉紅石龍蝦或焗野生盲曹魚。無可置疑, 這就是澳洲最聞名、最美味的海鮮。

( Tasmania 是澳洲南端的大島;Mulataga 位於澳洲西北部, 盛產海產;Barramundi 是一種魚, 居於澳洲北部沿岸的河溪;因此, 這是一道澳洲菜餚 )
參考: Dictionary & various web sites ( 查閱各專有名詞真的很費時 )
2006-10-26 11:29 pm
就用有創意的脆皮塔斯曼尼亞帶子件英國薯仔開始, 然後來個 Shallot Rings配地獄醬Capers 魚, 跟着品嚐 Mulataga Rock龍蝦或焗野生 Barramundi, 無可議論澳洲最有名和美味之海鮮。


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