影相時調點樣教低一點的像素, 令張相出來的size會細o的????

2006-10-26 11:06 pm
影相時調點樣教低一點的像素, 令張相出來的size會細o的????

回答 (4)

2006-10-28 8:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
可能你係想慳返張memory card既容量:
你可以搵下相機入面既設定, 好多時都有 Size(大小) 或者 Resoultion(像素) 呢個選項, 入面可能有 : L, M1, M2, S 等等既選擇, [L] 多數都係指 Large: 即係最高象素, [M]即係 Medium: 即係中等, [S] 即係Small... 詳細D要睇說明書.

好多睇相既software都有 [resize] 呢個功能, 例如 ACDsee.
就連windows 內置既 小畫家 同 Microsoft Photo Editor 都有呢個功能, 可以搵下!

但要留意一下降低左像素既相, 想再放大時品質會明顯下降, 所以都係建議影時先選最大像素, 返去電腦執時先resize, 咁就可以留返一個質素高D既 copy係電腦度
2006-10-30 9:36 pm
一般相機都有得教低像素, 去Menu Photo Quality, 最好就轉Normal.
平圴四百萬像素就可以曬 3X5, 4X6, 同5X7, 想放大 8X10 同 8X12 就最好有六百萬像, 所以在教低像素之前先想清楚會曬幾大先.
如果教低像素係想慳memory, 不如買多張memory card 做 back up, 一般 compact flash, SD card, 都好平, 1GB 都係$400, 如果相機像素不大, 1GB 可映300張相, 仲係高質素.

2006-10-26 11:25 pm
General DC have the picture quality (resolution) and compression settings.

Resolution: Large, Medium, Small etc. (some will have M1, M2 etc.)

Compression: Super Fine, Fine, Normal etc.

With different combination, you can have different size (quality) of photos.

For myself, I'll set the seting at Small (S) and Normal for photos taking if the photos to be posted into internet.
For photo printing, a 3M pixels photo file can print up to a 8R photo.

So you need to check with your camera first to see the setting function than select to most appropriate setting for different situation.
2006-10-26 11:15 pm
唔駛教低像素家.... 像素低只會令張相 quality 差~
用 photoshop or 任何 photo editing 既 software... resize 張相就得家啦~

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