有冇人試過餵bb食早餐cereal - weetabix

2006-10-26 9:42 pm
weetabix包裝盒上寫著可供6個月嬰兒食用, 係咪真係得嫁, 有冇人試過呀.
weetabix成份: whole wheat, malt extract, sugar, salt, vitamins..etc.

回答 (3)

2006-10-27 11:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
no, too much fiber la, if u also give bb water, i scare bb will vomit ar!!
and bb stomach is very small ga, i think bb can not eat other food after you feed bb weetabix, weetabix make bb feel full ma, then the nutrition not balance lor
2006-10-28 8:31 pm
yes ah I also think its too much fiber for little stomac la. The baby will pooo too water and very dangerous ka.
2006-10-27 7:26 am
唔係掛, 咁細個食Cereal?
參考: 自己

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