ZING 的化妝學校

2006-10-26 8:35 pm
另外, 有冇人讀過ZING 的化妝學校呀...
我想知道多d 有關既野呀...

回答 (3)

2006-10-26 11:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
佢間學校都係開左無耐,況且d價錢天文數字,去讀d人都係貪佢名氣姐,我自己都讀化妝,我就唔會選擇讀咁貴,讀完出離又唔知得唔得,況且有名氣學校唔單止一間,我會選擇學校比多d out job實習,起碼我覺得幫到我第時入行做化妝師先啦!
2007-07-15 12:26 am
yes!!!!!!i totally agree with u!!! and then i have study make up course in that Zing make up school b4!! hope u can listen Pinky said!!
2006-10-27 2:37 am
佢有 website 可以參考o下



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