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Within every human being is a flourishing, living colony of approximately four pounds of bacteria. Most of these bacteria reside in the human digestive tract although some are found elsewhere (i.e. the oral cavity, throat, etc.). Without a sufficient number of good bacteria, known as probiotics, human life would cease to exist. Consequently, if humans fail to maintain a sufficient number of good bacteria in the body, disease will occur and death likely will follow.
It is extremely important for humans to cultivate and maintain a healthy colony of good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, a colony that is composed mainly of several strains of living lactic acid bacteria, ideally, the microflora colony in the digestive tract should be composed of a ratio of 85 percent friendly bacteria to 15 percent harmful bacteria. The regular consumption of a high quality probiotic product that contains numerous strains of living lactic acid producing bacteria will enhance a person's efforts to maintain a healthy microflora colony of bacteria in the digestive tract.