
2006-10-26 7:32 pm
照常理睇, 無理由唔化學, 未有approval就攪班航機的. 會唔會 (只系估下) 唔記得過水比某些人, 所以被人整蠱, 臨時通知你 (唔飛得)! 呢個系陰謀論, 大家點睇?


回答 (6)

2006-10-26 7:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think so!
Why? First i want to make a conclusion which is Oasis airline chairman he SAID that he got all the permissions and licenses! If he dont get all of the permissions,i dont think he still make this first flight to uk,rite? If he still operate this "Stupid" first flight, i think most of the passengers will hate this airlines! He is the ceo of this airline,i dont think he wants to damage his brand ,rite?

Why someone 整蠱 him,maybe there are a lot of reasons ,in my opinions,maybe there are a lot of cheap prices airlines ,they have a lot of challenges,they want to win ! so they will try to "Destroy" this airline,so i think they must pay some money to the russia airport or others ....Dont let them to fly over the russia!
If the russia do not approve the licenses,they have to use another route to uk,which is go to uk via India,but not russia,then they have to use more gasoline .......

Thats what i think

2006-10-26 12:02:58 補充:
Oasis airlines they dont have fault,but i think is russia they have some problems!

2006-10-27 09:43:47 補充:
I get a updated reason,is 國泰同英航對英國政府求助對俄羅斯施壓想令甘泉首航飛唔到!行內人全部都知 what they happenReference:http://hk.messages.yahoo.com/%B7s%BBD/%AD%BB%B4%E4/%B5J%C2I%B7s%BBD/threadview?.ck=18b5bb69f88227b9518e7d2aa042adf2&bn=nfchkoasis&tid=56&mid=56
2006-10-26 10:00 pm
2006-10-26 7:53 pm
稱文件辦妥 遭低級職員阻撓


機長Stephen Allun亦向本報指出,早在5至6個月前已開始商討過境等問題,前日亦已一切確定。


2006-10-26 7:47 pm
唔覺得有俾人整蠱, 就算係呢招都好低!!!!!
2006-10-26 7:42 pm
當然不會被整蠱. 甘泉已經在香港及倫敦的spot. 但由於飛機所飛過的領空都要先取得飛行權, 由於路線已定所以今次Russia 臨時取消申請導致甘泉被逼cancel航班. 今次理應是不幸了
2006-10-26 7:39 pm

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