
2006-10-26 5:50 pm

回答 (11)

2006-10-26 6:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
答案: 一般情況下,可以!!





參考: 這么多年坐飛機的經驗
2006-10-27 5:20 am
No, you cannot.
2006-10-27 12:26 am
Yes... For some airlines, you can request seats online or check-in online... If those are not avaliable, you can even call the airlines regional office to request seats for the flight...
And usually the staff will ask you what seat you like...
And that is the reason why sometimes even if you are first to check-in at the airport, the seats that you can choose from are limited as some or many passenger have requested seats or even check-in online...
So you will have all the seats in the class to choose from as long as nobody have previously requested that seat... And on some seats, it is restricted to adult only like the seats on the emergency exit row as they will need to help the crew to open the door if anything goes wrong in the flight...

2006-10-27 21:09:08 補充:
In my experience, it would be easier to get the seat you like if you just say which type you want like 'Front or back of the jet' 'window, middle or aslide seat' etc... usually you will get what you want...

2006-10-27 21:10:02 補充:
But for the emergency exit row, you can only get those seats upon check-in as the ground staff will have to check if you are capible to help the crew during an emergency event...
2006-10-26 8:38 pm
yes, you can.

But I will recommend it will be convenient to change a seat in the plane.
2006-10-26 7:48 pm
可以架, 當然係話如果架機唔爆啦~一般情況下, 如果你早辦登機手續, 你可以同佢講話想要窗口位, 路邊位, 但如果你去到都無晒就無得講啦, 至於網上做登機都得, 我試過坐西北就可以自己改位, 我個張係e-ticket, 佢本身係assign左個位比我, 但係我都可以改, 所以係睇下每間航空公司的做法, 但一般許可的情況下, 航空公司都會盡量滿足客人要求同需要~
2006-10-26 7:15 pm
除非你係航空公司會員, 咁如國泰個 D, 就有網上 check in 既. 可事先選擇座位. 但如果唔係, 就要去到機場由地勤職員分配 ka la. 你最多只可以話鍾意坐路邊位或窗口位 lor. 其他冇得 '簡' ka la. 到時都係由航空公司職員睇睇仲有乜位岩你要求咁 lor. 但我建議你盡量要求前 D la. 因旅行團多數被編晒去後排的. 好鬼嘈 ka.
2006-10-26 6:03 pm
如果你坐頭等或商務, 在購票時可以自己同航空公司要求座位,如果有的話他們會幫你先編座位...如果坐經濟客位祇可Check in 時編位, 可到時要求窗口或路口位等, 航空公司會盡量配合你的要求。
2006-10-26 6:02 pm
Yes, you can ask for window seat or axile seat at the airport. Normally, you can get your choice if available. In addition, some airlines can reserve your seat online such as Cathay Pacific,
2006-10-26 5:59 pm
是的,但现在很多航空公司可以在网上自己选位置,好像国泰和港龙也可以.但您要做他们的会员才可以.就是您到CHECK IN 柜台也可以跟他们要求,但要看班机满不满,满就很难了.
2006-10-26 5:55 pm
係呀...可以去到機場自己編座位 !!

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