為何我在adobe reader列印出來的文件...出現亂碼或問號????

2006-10-26 9:57 am
我想問下...點解我在電腦用adobe reader睇既時候就完全load 到...

回答 (3)

2006-10-26 11:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, I agree with the previous answer. Your PDF file probably don't have the font embeded in the file.

If so, you would have to find/install the following:
- there are different language versions of the reader you can download. Yes, I understand you have downloaded the latest one, but did you get the Chinese version?
- If you open the file, you can find out what font this file uses in the file info function. if you want to see the file, you must also install the file on your computer
- however, if it a Mac/PC version (different from your computer, which it was created), then getting the correct fonts is going to be difficult

good luck
2006-10-28 2:04 am
正確方法應該是"列印",揀"進階", 再揀"以影像方式列印"!
2006-10-26 10:09 am

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