like term點解

2006-10-26 7:20 am
請問在數學上like term點解

回答 (3)

2006-10-26 8:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
An algebraic expression can be divided into several parts by the "+" sign or the "-" sign. Each part is called a term.
Like terms are the terms that contain the same letter(unknown).
e.g. 4x - 2y +7x -------------- > 4x and 7x are like terms (they both have "x")
e.g. 5x2 + 6a2 - 3x + 8x2 ----> 5x2 and 8x2 are like terms (they both have "x2")
* x2 and a2 are unlike terms, also x2 and x are unlike terms.
2006-10-28 4:21 pm
like term即係d個未知數係一樣,但是個數字唔同,哩d like term


錦向例子裡7n^2同4h^2係like term,5h同9h係like term!!!


2006-10-28 08:22:59 補充:
參考: myself
2006-10-27 2:49 am
e.g. 7n-9n

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