
2006-10-26 6:39 am
1. 用耐性和有禮貌地服務客人。
2. 能用xxx系統處理客人需要。
3. 盡量避免過失和盡快完成工作。
4. 清楚解答客人的問題。
5. 和同事商討如何分工合作。
6. 盡責和盡我所能完成工作並做到最好。

回答 (3)

2006-10-26 6:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Serve a guest with the patience and politely.
2. Can use the xxx system processing a guest a demand.
3.Avoid a mistake as far as possible and complete a work as soon as possible.
4. Answer the guest's problem clearly.
5. Discuss how to share out the work and cooperate with one another with colleague.
6.Responsible and exhausted work that I can complete also attain best.
2006-10-26 7:21 am
1. Serve the customers patiently and politely.
2. To fulfill the needs of customers through XX system.
3. Avoid making mistakes and complete the job as soon as possible.
4. To answer customers' queries clearly.
5. Divide the jobs through confering with your collegues.
6. To fulfill your duty and strive for excellence.

2006-10-25 23:23:23 補充:
4. To answer customers' queries clearly

2006-11-24 18:08:10 補充:
There are some grammatical mistakes sentence no: patience is not an article , needless to say , "the" should be omitted. Hope all of us are aware of it. Thank you.
參考: myself
2006-10-26 6:54 am
Serve all guests with patience and good manner
Capable of using XXX system to fullfill all requests from guests
Minimize mistakes and finish all tasks soonest.
Answer questions from customers clearly
Discuss TEAM WORK with colleauges.
Be responsible and finish all tasks in the best and quickest manner.

i think you are in the hotel business, so i use Guest instead of Customer. hope helps u a bit.

收錄日期: 2021-04-22 22:23:19
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