part of speech 點解??

2006-10-26 6:35 am

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2006-10-26 6:37 am
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嗰D lor
2006-10-28 4:15 pm
參考: myself
2006-10-26 6:47 am
詞類,詞性=vert 形容詞........

2006-10-25 22:48:48 補充:
參考: Yahoo!字典.........要用D智慧=.=
2006-10-26 6:40 am

*The different kinds of words are called Parts of Speech. There are eight Parts of Speech:

1. Noun(名詞) 5. Adverb(副詞)
2. Pronoun(代名詞) 6. Prepositon(前置詞)
3. Adjective(形容詞) 7. Conjunction(連接詞)
4. Verb(動詞) 8. Interjection(感歎詞)

*A Noun is a word used to give a name to a person or a thing or a place.

The book is on the desk.
Peter saw a snake in the garden.

*A Pronoun is a word used instead of a Noune.g.
Mary was afraid because she saw a snake.
Nepolean was a great man. He was a French.

*An Adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of a Noun or a Pronoun.e.g.
A storng man killed fierce tiger.
Tom is a fat boy.

*A Verb is a word used to tell something that the noun does.e.g.
Tom is clever and kind.
My sister fell from the top of a house.

*An adverb is a word used to add something to a Verb, an Adjective or another Adverb.e.g.
The water is very hot.
The girl sings sweetly.
A snake crept very quickly through the grass.

*A Preposition is a word placed before a Noun or Pronoun, to show its relation to other words. e.g.
I put my hand on the table.
I am pointing to the picture.
He is running up the hill.

*A Conjunction is a word used to join words, phrases, or sentences together.e.g.
John is fat and tall.
You will be sick if you eat too much.
Teh girl is thin but the boy is fat.

*An Interjection is a word used in a sentence to express feeling of the mind.e.g.
Hurrah! We shall have a holiday on Monday.
Oh! How foolish I was to lose it.
Alas! My aunt lost her child.
2006-10-26 6:39 am
詞性或詞類(英文為part of speech或word class)是根據一個詞的本意及在短語或句子中所起到的作用劃分的。在轉換-生成語法中,詞性稱作辭彙範疇。詞性包括開放性的(經常吸收引進新詞)與封閉性的(很少或從不吸收引進新詞)。

In grammar, a lexical category (also word class, lexical class, or in traditional grammar part of speech) is a linguistic category of words (or more precisely lexical items) that are usually defined by their particular syntactic or morphological behaviours. Common linguistic categories include noun and verb, among others. There are open word classes, which constantly acquire new members, and closed word classes, which acquire new members infrequently if at all.

Not all languages have the same lexical categories, and lexical categories generally considered equivalent between two languages may have different properties. For example, Spanish uses adjectives almost interchangeably as nouns while English cannot; Japanese has two classes of adjectives where English has one; Chinese and Japanese have measure words while European languages strictly speaking don't; many languages do not have a distinction between adjectives and adverbs, or adjectives and nouns, etc. Many linguists argue that the formal distinctions between parts of speech must be made within the framework of a specific language or language family, and should not be carried over to other languages or language families.

Common ways of delimiting words by function include:

Open word classes:
verbs (except auxiliary verbs)
Closed word classes:
auxiliary verbs
determiners (articles, quantifiers, demonstrative adjectives, and possessive adjectives)
measure words
adpositions (prepositions, postpositions, and circumpositions)
cardinal numbers

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