Visiting Paris and UK

2006-10-26 5:51 am
Hi all.I am planning to join Wing On and I am going to visit France and UK with SARS Passport. But I have been deported by the British Home Office due to the work permit matter just early of this year. 1. Can I now go to visit to UK again after France? 2. Will they check my passport record(as I applyed work permit with BNO) when I arrived? 3. Is that more easyer if I go to UK by EuroStar? 4. With the return flight ticket?
Anyone had the same experince or anyone could help?????Many Thanks.

thanks misswong.but you case are difference from me because you don't have any record in the UK.But I had.AND THE MAIN POINT IS I WAS DEPORTED. Iam really concerning can I now get into UK again? But thanks for your answer.Thanks

回答 (2)

2006-10-26 7:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你之前係比英國政府遞解出境既, 咁英國政府就一定有 record, 係咁短時間之內, 佢地又未必會再比他入境. 雖然你之前係用 BNO, 但不論 BNO 定係 SARS 護照都會有我地既中文姓名電碼同出生日期. 如果英國政府有記底既, 你都幾難再入英國了....
1. 冇人知. 佢地遞解你出境時候, 應該會話比你聽你將來可否再到英國... 如果唔肯定, 你最好問返領事館
2. 當然會睇你既 SARS 護照, 至於佢地會唔會記底中文姓名電碼同出生日期, 就唔清楚了
3. 唔會... 因為 EUROSTAR 一樣經入境處的
4. 基本上你入英國最好就梗係有回程機票就好好多啦...
2006-10-27 4:02 am
what Henry said is right...

it really depends on the custom, I do not have any problem when I get in UK from Heathrow airport but I have problem when I get back to UK from France through Eurostar.

The guy in France (before I got on the Eurostar back to UK), he did ask me to show him the return ticket and hotel booking confirmation. Because I didn't book the hotel for the last 2 wks, then he asked me where would i stay and with who, are they chinese or english, how could you stay for a month in UK, have you got money?...... it took me about 10mins to get through the custom.

are you going to work in UK? well, whatever you show the custom, they will stamp 6 months visitor permit for you.
參考: having holiday in UK now

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