sea amimsls,幫幫手!!!

2006-10-26 5:51 am
name for sea animals:
body length:
body colour:
place to live:
favourite food:
other features:
咩sea animals都得,

回答 (1)

2006-10-26 6:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
name for sea animals:Chinese White Dolphin
body length: about 1 metre.
body colour:Childhood: Grey in color.
Youth age: Pinkish grey with spots.
Adult: Pinkish white and the spots will fade out


place to live:Southeast Asia, and they breed from South Africa to Australia.There are two subspecies, with Sumatra, one of the Indonesian islands, as the dividing line between the Chinese and the Western subspecies, Sousa chinensis plumbea.

favourite food: little fish

other features: Chinese White Dolphins are quite sociable creatures and usually live in small groups of three to four. Female white dolphins become mature at ten years old while the males become mature at thirteen years old. The Chinese White Dolphins usually mate from the end of summer to autumn. Infant dolphins are usually born eleven months after the mating. Mature female white dolphins can give birth every three years and the parental care will last until their offspring can find food themselves.

Blue Whales--
Check :


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