
2006-10-26 3:33 am
(註:A/B即是A over B)
When Uncle Chan passed away, he left 39 cows to his three sons. According to his will, the first son, the second son and the third son should share the number of cows in the radio below:
How many cows could each son share according to the will?

2. Three borthers shared $740 000 left by their deceased father. If the share of the second son was 4/5 that of the first son, and the share of the first son was 1.5 times that of the third son, find the amount each of them got.


哇!咁快有人答o左啦……= ="


哇!咁快有人答o左啦……= ="

回答 (2)

2006-10-26 3:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let the first son, the second son and the third son should share the
number of cows in the radio :
6x : 4x : 3x
6x + 4x + 3x = 39
13x = 39
x = 3
the first son : 6x = 18
the second son : 4x = 12
and the third son : 3x = 9

Let the first son shares $ x
x + 4 / 5 x + 1 / 1.5 x = 740 000
x + 4 / 5x + 2 / 3x = 740000
15x + 12x + 10x = 11100000
37x = 11100000
x = 300000

Therefore ,
the first son : 300000
the second son : 300000 x 4 / 5 = 240000
The third son : 200000
2006-10-26 3:49 am
1) ratio=1/2:1/3:1/4 (1st son:2nd son:3rd son)=6:4:3=18:12:9. Therefore 1st son has 18 cows; 2nd son has 12 cows and 3rd son has 9 cows
2) ratio=1:1.5:1.2 (3rd son:1st son:2nd son) (the ratio of the third son is 1.2 because it is 4/5 of the first son)=10:15:12=20,000:30,000:24,000. Therefore, 1st son has 30,000, 2nd son has 24,000 and 3rd son has 20,000

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