
2006-10-26 2:14 am

回答 (11)

2006-10-26 2:19 am
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日日都迫巴士返學:l go to school by bus which is very crowded

有個人阻住我唔比我落車:Someone doesn't allow me to get off the bus

2006-10-25 18:23:01 補充:
i go to school by bus every day, the bus is always very crowded.d句根本冇左個連接詞第2個人有冇話到個bus is crowded仲有doesn';t唔知點解出唔到有個人阻住我唔比我落車:Someone does not allow me to get off the bus

2006-10-26 20:13:18 補充:
2008-12-19 4:02 am

"I want to ask daily all compels the bus . A person to block me not to
compare me to fallthe vehicle."

2006-10-26 2:30 am
1.妳可以說:i go to school by bus every day, the bus is very very crowded. some one block the way of getting off the bus of me.
2006-10-26 2:26 am
I go to school by crowded bus everyday日日都迫巴士返學

Someone prevent me to get off the bus有人阻止我落車
It is crowded. I can't get off the bus easily.太多人. 好難落車
2006-10-26 2:22 am
I jostles on the bus to go to school every day.
Someone obstructs me dismount.

2006-10-25 18:28:56 補充:
日日都迫巴士返學I jostle on the bus to go to school every day ~岩岩多咗個s~係jostle 先岩, 但係佢地個個都比crowd你因為係你去迫,唔係人地迫你你唔信睇吓Yahoo字典我post 埋上來比你

2006-10-25 18:32:41 補充:
jostlevt.1. 擠;推;撞We were jostled by the crowd.我們與人群摩肩接踵。2. 與...貼近crowdvt.1. 擠滿Passengers crowded the platform.月臺擠滿了乘客。vi.1. 擠,擁擠[Q]People crowded into the cinema.人們擠進電影院。
2006-10-26 2:22 am
I always come to school by bus which is very crowd
When I want to disembark the bus,I usually am impeded by someone
2006-10-26 2:21 am
I go to school by bus.

Someone block me from getting off the bus
2006-10-26 2:20 am
i go to school by bus, however, the people crowded the bus, i cannot leave.

2006-10-25 18:21:15 補充:
i cannot get off 都ok
2006-10-26 2:18 am
I need to go to school by bus everyday
someone try not to let me to get off the bus
2006-10-26 2:18 am
i go to school by bus every day, the bus is always very crowded. some one block the way of getting off the bus of me.
參考: myself

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