Oh...No...Plz help.....

2006-10-26 1:30 am
I study in UK...
nobody like me in sck...
i m the only chinese in sck..
all european especailly the english alwayz bully me...
i got hit like twice a week...
i want to kill myself..
wt can i do??
i m not very weak...got a bit of size...but the English a mouch more bigger than me..
i hd ask my parent to help
but they dum care....

回答 (2)

2006-10-28 12:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, suicide is not a solution. Do you know why they bully you? Make sure you haven't acted weirdly or said something that irritated them.
If you think you haven't offensed them in any way and actually they beat you up for racial discrimination, I suggest that you report the incidence to the police and if you can recognize those bullies and describe them to the police, I'm sure that the police will try to catch and prosecute them. Before you go to the police, make sure you go to the hospital for treatment and get a medical report to support your complain.
參考: My suggestion
2006-10-26 1:38 am
Do not kill yourself! It cannot solve any problem! You can call your friends that live in HK, or write your unhappy things on a balloon, you will feel better.

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