
2006-10-26 1:19 am
我今年14歲,我近LI 2個星期睇野~~多咗D好似飛蚊正既野AR~~
仲有我5係要飛蚊正既知料~~我想1 D認識LI個病既人~~

回答 (2)

2006-10-26 1:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
you should visit the doctor ......
from my point of view...... you seems too early to have 飛蚊 at 14 x
usually, the people will have it around age over 30 x
there is no method to cure and usually the doctor
will give you some advices : have enough rest ....dont have over-night study and
dont do the excessive exercise

you would experience sometimes 飛蚊 will disappear suddenly, but
sometimes they will come back x

few years later, you will accostom with it and treat this is not a big matter x

the most important, you should take the advices of the doctor x
2006-10-26 1:54 am
我曾經係眼科中心見過有種專業儀器是用來檢查飛蚊症的. 眼鏡店有視光師, 但沒有專業儀器, 所以一定要去眼科中心做檢查.

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