
2006-10-26 1:15 am
如題...真係好唔明點解會咁= =


回答 (1)

2006-10-26 1:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
As you probably know, soda pop is basically sugar (or diet sweetener), flavoring, water and preservatives. The thing that makes soda bubbly is invisible carbon dioxide gas, which is pumped into bottles at the bottling factory using tons of pressure. Water molecules, which are super attracted to each other, cling together and surround the tiny bubbles of gas in the liquid. The bond they form is called surface tension. Surface tension is measured by the amount of energy it takes to break the clinging water molecules apart. It takes a lot of energy! Until you open the bottle and pour a glass of soda, the gas mostly stays suspended in the liquid and cannot expand to form more bubbles, which gases naturally do.
If you shake the bottle and then open it, the gas is released from the protective hold of the water molecules and escapes with a whoosh, taking some of the soda along with it. When you add Mentos to the mix, get ready for an incredible explosive reaction--so explosive that the entire bottle is sometimes emptied of liquid. Why?
Mentos contain sugar, glucose syrup (more sugar), hydrogenated coconut oil, starch, gum arabic, an emulsifier and natural flavor. The gum arabic which makes Mentos chewy, cause the surface tension of the water molecules to break even more easily, releasing more carbon dioxide gas. This effect is enhanced by the fact that, as the candy dissolves, it forms nucleation sites -- tiny pits on the surface of the mint where more carbon dioxide bubbles can form. When all this gas is released, it thrusts the entire contents of the bottle skyward, in an incredible soda blast. Hopefully you've decided to use diet soda or you may be running for the shower!

2006-10-25 17:58:27 補充:
當萬樂珠加入任何有氣飲料後, 由於萬樂珠表面有一層薄薄的空氣包圍著而空氣層中的氣壓比溶在汽水中的二氧化碳氣壓小很多因此二氧化碳會從汽水中走向萬樂珠表面的空氣層並變氣體而氣態二氧化碳的體積比溶解了的二氧化碳的體積大得多當汽水裝在有一個瓶子內, 由於瓶子大小不變, 二氧化碳和汽水只可以從瓶口射出

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