
2006-10-26 1:08 am
我很怕打針, (會很痛很痛的), 請問打針可以不痛的嗎?

回答 (3)

2006-10-26 1:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
why you need injection? isn't it because of vaccination? or dental treatment? i'm afraid the pain induced by vaccination is not avoidable. or you can try ice-pack on the injection area before sticking in the needle. ice reduces the temperature and thus the sensation is reduced too. if you need injection is because of dental treatment, you can let your dentist know your fear. some dentists may give you topical anesthetic gel before injection.
2006-10-26 1:14 am
美國就有一種無針頭ge 針...
佢ge 原理係用高速將藥物向皮膚打出...
高速會令藥物穿過皮膚, 進入血管...

2006-10-26 1:11 am
unless you remove all pain receptors on your skin.

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