關於在澳洲找工作要什麼 visa 方便呢?

2006-10-26 1:03 am
剛看到澳洲 immigation dept. 的網頁,知到有個 Australia Needs Skills expos (11 nov 06) 係 Perth 舉行。

Q1 : 我想知如果旅行去,而在那邊又有公司請我。係唔係要返香港搞過的 visa 先得。

Q2: I am working on civil engineering (site works mainly, not yet chartered) for six years in HK after graduated form HK Polytechnic. Is it easy to find a job in au? And how are about the pay? As I only got about 15k in HK and working hrs is so long.

Q3: Australia Needs Skills expos 多唔多 civil engineering 工?

Thanks so much for any help.

回答 (2)

2006-10-26 6:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
q1. 而家有一種叫working holiday visa.. 係for 一d想過黎澳洲旅行而又想o係旅行o既時間可以返下工搵下錢幫補下個旅程.. 如果你有公司肯請你, 你係可以o係lee邊即時apply個visa, 不過lee個情況其實好少發生..除非你o既occupation係非常特別, 而lee邊o既公司唔能夠o係lee度請人, 佢地先可以explain到俾政府知佢一定要請一個overseas worker, 即係你.. 同埋作為一間公司, 佢地都要附合一定o既criterion先可以咁樣做, 所以lee個情況好少會發生..

q2 &q3. 其實你有咁多年o既經驗, 你絕對可以試下搵工..不過唔係咁多公司會肯咁樣請個overseas過黎澳洲做野..老實講, lee邊有好多讀civil o既都未必搵到工..不過如果你真係想黎澳洲做野, 其實你可以試下申請pr..因為你讀o個科其實都幾高分..如果你係mechanical 或者electrical engineer, 你就一定得tim..不過因為你有多年o既experience搭夠, 分分鐘可以幫到你..不過lee一方面你要double check下..因為我唔係好清楚你做野o既範疇, 所以而家答唔到你..

其實做civil enginneer係真係幾辛苦..我有個friend而家o係澳門都做緊..其實澳門而家都好等lee d人用..如果你係想轉下環境, 試下第二份工..或者都可以係其中一個option..

如果你想要多d關於黎澳洲o既information, 你可以留msg俾我..

2006-10-30 07:34:50 補充:
我double check過, civil eng係同mechanical同埋electrical一樣分, 所以加埋你有experience, 你係夠分申請pr..你可以選擇申請pr過黎再慢慢搵工
參考: www.immi.gov.au + 我 (I am currently working in a migration and education consultancy in Melbourne)
2006-10-27 4:06 am
Q1, It really depends if the company want to help you to get the Visa or not. If the company willing to help you, you can apply on-shore. Firstly you will get a bridgeing visa during the application. Otherwise you need to apply in HK. Actually the company need to explain why they cannot find anyone in Aust and why they want empoly overseas people.
Q2, It is not hard to find a job there, it really depends which state you will stay. If Western Australia and Southern Australia is easier to apply PR. But in Syd is a bit harder. The pay is not bad, its around AUD$ 600-800 per week after tax for start.
Q3, It need quite a few, but I think it really depends which state, I think they prefer you go to Southern Aust and Western Aust.

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