可否幫忙解答以下 H.C.F. 題

2006-10-25 10:37 pm

男生 48 人, 女生 72 人, 現把男女生各分為若干隊, 每隊人數要相同, 問每隊最多有幾人? 共可分成幾隊?

多謝兩位! 兩位的答案, 就是我所不明白的地方!!!! 我自己跟小朋友計算, 答案係: 可分成 24 隊, 每隊 5人. 但老師話錯, 答案係掉換, 即可分成 5 隊, 每隊 24 人. 但我真係唔明老師的答案如何解釋!


還有人知道如何計算嗎?! Thank you ) ) ) ) )

回答 (2)

2006-10-25 10:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
男生 48人 = 24人 X 2
女生 72人 = 24人 X 3

答: 每隊24人,共可分成5隊

2006-10-26 11:28:05 補充:
題目是: (現把男女生 各分 為若干隊)字面上是: 男生及女生各自組隊 而 不是 男女混合組隊
2006-10-25 10:44 pm
The H.C.F of 48 and 72 is 24

Therefore there are 24 teams,

Each team contains 48/24=2 boys and 72/24=3 girls

=> 5 people




2006-10-26 04:22:57 補充:
Yes, the answer can be 每隊最多有24人, 共可分成5隊This is a tricky question. Look at the question again: 每隊人數要相同, we only need to consider the same number of people is every team, we do not need to consider the same number of boys and girls at all

2006-10-26 04:23:14 補充:
So therefore as long as each team as the same number of people, then it is rightsince 24 is the HCF of 24 and 72, the reminders are 3 and 2 =>5so each team has 24 people, there are 5 teams

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