
2006-10-25 9:02 pm

回答 (3)

2006-10-28 4:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
It depends!
If you are talking about going abroad for high school, it doens't make a significant difference so long as you stay away from Chinese and Chinatown. It is because the purpose (or perhaps the only perhaps) is to improve your english and gain cultural exposure.

However, If you are talking about undergrad, the answer will be dependent upon what subject you want to specialize in and what your future career parth is (i.e., work or master/PhD degree). I graduated in Canada with one bachelor and one master degree and I did one year of post-grad work in the UK. Anyway, the story is. if you want to work right after your graduation, again, choice of country doesnt' make a big difference so long as you are in the famous school [For instance, in Canada, UT, UBC, Queen's, McGill, UWO and in Australia, USydney, UNSW, Melbourne]. On the other hand, if your are planning to proceed to master or even PhD, Canadian schools are better choices since the quality of of Canadian universities tends to be more consistent than that of AUstralian universities (please note that I am NOT saying that Australian schools are bad!)
The advantage of obtain a bachelor degree from Australian (famous) universitites is that these schools tend to have a pretty impressive placement record. If you don't believe me, you can check with the websites of various investment banks (like Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, CitiGroup) and see where their employees received their undergraduate training. It is fun, so do your research.
But again, if you are considering (or don't want to leave the PhD option out of the window) post-graduate degree (espeically doing PhD in the US), you may be better off to choose canadian schools since their systems are largely similar to that of the US and so it will make the transition much more smoothly.

Good luck!
2006-10-31 3:00 am
在加拿大留學的確比較輕鬆, 沒有香港那麼死板, 加拿大的大學可讓你比較自由讀那些學科和發揮不同的興趣
不好處是你已經 f.6 了, 即等於 12 班

我猜你也是想拿一個 bachelor, 加拿大進大學的途徑比較多, 由中學考 provincial exam 進, 和先讀 college 再 transfer 入大學也可以
不過進大學前必須先完成 toefl, 分數是乎不同大學要求

如你在香港讀書不如意, 可考慮到加拿大讀書


International Study Specialist

United States & Canada School Network
參考: www.isscc.com
2006-10-26 12:45 am
澳洲 活力d

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