在internet上看不到我的router,當然連forward port都看不到

2006-10-25 5:34 pm

回答 (2)

2006-10-25 9:09 pm
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你所講的看不到是什麼意思?是 Ping 唔到還是怎樣的?

你試下用 Window XP 的 Remote desktop,能夠搖拒進入你家中的電腦,如果可以的話,那你的 IP 就沒有問題了。
如果不行,會不會你的 IP 是 Dynamic IP,經常會轉,所以你就連接不到,就以為看不到。那麼你就要申請一個 Static IP 了。
也可能是你未做 NAT (Port mapping),你部機用緊的是 Private IP,不是出街的 IP。

2006-10-31 09:40:13 補充:
你在家中的電腦可以看到,因為是在同一個network。你想出到去office都睇到,就一定要做 NAT,把 router 的 8080 port forward 給那台機的 private IP。然後你利用public IP 就可以看到了。
參考: learn from CCNA
2006-10-27 5:20 am
hi, l also use the ipcam and l also use the dyndns.org. but l also find that l cannot use the ipcam in recently day , than l use the ping port function in dyndns.org, l find that my 8080 port is time-out when l ping the port. Then l ping the other common port such as 80 port, the result is also time-out, my computer and route fiewall was all closed.

Pls also help me
thx all

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