
2006-10-25 2:19 pm
我o係英國讀書....揸Student visa....我可以將一年內買既貴野....等到暑假先拎tax refund嗎??如果得既話要有d咩手續??詳細d唔該

回答 (2)

2006-10-25 5:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can only refund the goods bought within 3 months. Also, you can only make refund application when you leave UK for at least 1 year. The refund application is made in the UK customs at airport

you should meet the following requirement to have tax refund:
1. if you are studying in the UK you can use the scheme only if you are leaving the EC for a minimum period of 12 months - this will typically be at the end of your study period. i.e. after you left, you should not return to EC

2. The goods are purchased within 3 months.

3. You buy the goods from the shop that join the (Tax Free Shopping) scheme.

2006-10-25 09:37:26 補充:
Some corrections: point 1. i.e. after you left, you should not return to EC for at least 12 months.
2006-10-25 2:26 pm
u can't .....
i think u should do it at the 貴野 shop ..immediately......
u can ask the staff next time......

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