
2006-10-25 12:37 pm


回答 (3)

2006-10-26 7:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Most popular: France and Italy.

Got cheap ticket from London to Paris.

If you have not been to france or italy. then you can choose some basic things like paris ( i dun need to say the most popular sight-seeing locations in paris la...) plus 1-2 city in italy (rome and florence will be great, in my opinion)

Mostly museum, museum and cathedral if you travel in these 2 countries!!

Greece is another opinion. Athens plus 2 islands (santorini and makonos would be great)
It is not too hot in greece now, it will be very very hot in mid summer. yet you may not be able to swim freely. not many visitors in nov, less crowded.
參考: me, last yr travel for 1 month
2015-09-23 8:02 am
I will have 4 days in Rome on Oct., please suggest for sight seeing and foods ?
2006-10-25 8:33 pm
你有 9 日假期, 扣左兩日係飛機度過, 即係得返 7 日. 去倫敦加阿姆斯特丹已經剛剛好. 唔好貪多啦. 倫敦 4 日, 阿姆斯特丹 2 日半, 差唔多架啦
你可以買張英航 / KLM 的機票, 就可以中途飛去第二個城市了, 當你買了英航, 可以考慮以下行程

DAY 1: 飛機香港到倫敦
DAY 2: 早上抵達, SETTLE DOWN 休息後出發去大英博物館, 晚上去唐人街
DAY 3: 大笨鐘, 西敏寺, 白金漢宮, 海德公園等等. 下午到 TOWER OF LONDON, 晚上如果有飛, 可以睇場 MUSICAL
DAY 4: 早上去格林威治天文台, 乘觀光船回倫敦. 下午去臘像館
DAY 5: 早上再選一個你喜歡的景點, 下午去 SHOPPING
DAY 6: 早上飛機去阿姆斯特丹. SETTLE DOWN 後可到 SEX MUSEUM, 紅燈區, 唐人街等地方, 或遊船河
DAY 7: 早上出發去風車村, 睇風車, 木屐同芝士工廠. 下午回阿姆斯特丹
DAY 8: 早上在阿姆斯特丹再四圍走走, 跟住入機場乘飛機回倫敦, 再回香港
DAY 9: 到香港...
BUDGET: 一日中等洗費全部加埋約 700 - 800 蚊港幣 (住最平既 B&B 或 HOSTEL). 即大約要 7500 元, 再加機票. 全程請預算 15000 蚊左右

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