big four 四大會計師樓

2006-10-25 7:45 am
有冇人知道big four 係唔係只考慮港大、中大、理大、科大的畢業生,其他大學畢業都不考慮呢?

另外,big four 請人會經過甚麼過程,我只知道有2個interviews。


回答 (2)

2006-10-25 9:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My ex-colleagues were mainly from HKU, CU, UST and PolyU. Some are from CityU and BU as well.

KPMG - aptitude test + personality test + interview with manager + interview with partner.

PwC - campus interview with manager + group discssion / debate + interview with senior manager + interview with partner.

DTT - group discussion + interview with manger together with partner.

EY - interview with manger + group discussion + group lunch then interview with partner.

AA - no AA now but in those years, AA's interview was perhaps the most difficult one.

N.B. The above information is for reference only and may not necessarily reflect the current situation. The format for the interview may change according to changing circumstances,
2006-10-25 8:02 am
先回答你的問題: 答案是否定的. 我認識有些朋友, 由其他大學畢業 (城大, 浸大) 都在 Big 4 工作. 不過, 比例上, 始終你所列的四所大學佔大多數.

話說回頭, 你不應放棄任何機會, 總之有工就報, 有工就interview, 更應俾多D 心機, 去說服公司請你.

況且, 現在會計的人手短缺, 你無理由唔趁你處於有利位置 (現在你揀工而不是工揀你) 去盡!!! 唔好理邊間大學畢業啦!

關於format, 我知道有些 Big 4 有 written test + 2 interview, 而KPMG 好像還有 Aptitude Test. 而written test 通常是作文, 看你的書寫和表達能力.

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