How to attract more girls??

2006-10-25 7:08 am
anyone can help me r????

回答 (5)

2006-10-25 7:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
you should show more muscle that mean you need more strong.
bez some girl also like a sport or funny man.
also u should do some attracting thing....for example good at sport or good at study
2006-10-25 8:14 am
Simple...$$$$...... Diamond..... Car ..... Apartment
2006-10-25 8:14 am
平時多o的幫人, 對人溫柔o的,
多關心下人, 但又唔好特登扮,
多o的笑, 開朗一點。

總有人會欣賞你, 留意你的。放心!
2006-10-25 7:32 am
nothing special ......... but the only and the most important point.........

EARN MORE MONEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-10-25 7:21 am
Be more gentle in frount of some girls.Not to talk too loud.Don't play too crazy.Always look at some girls.Always reading,not to play.Sit stright.Listen to the teacher.Don't always turn your head to look at other girls IN THE LESSON.Be more hard-working.
Fast,they will come to talk with you.And you can fall in love with her.
These all are difficult.But You need to try hard to attract more girls.
P.S Maybe some of my English are wrong.......

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