F.2 Tense 問題

2006-10-25 5:47 am
Exercise bk 有一題目:

「What were you doing at 9 last night?" the police asked the suspect. "I was with my friends. We ____________ (have) some beer at a restaurant」

Why 個 ans 係 「had」 但係唔係 「were having」 ???

回答 (2)

2006-10-25 5:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
because last night s a inportant words of tense.
had -> have past tense.

2006-10-24 21:54:11 補充:
because hope also is a furture tense. if you put "will", that is not correct.
參考: me
2006-10-25 6:23 am
1. HAVE 呢個verb 係無WERE/WAS/AM HAVING 呢個現在/過去進行式, 只有過去式, 現在/過去完成式

2. "Hope " 的後面一定跟 "bare verb", 即是個verb乜都唔加, 無 will, have/has, would, had, etc. 亦都唔會係過去式, 又不用加"s"係後面

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