sodium thiosulpate

2006-10-25 3:37 am
唔該,我想問點解我做experiment哥陣,用beaker裝sodium thiosulphate solution,隔了一陣d solution 有d白色野,其他group都唔會喎,咁我想問個beaker會唔會係有咩呢?

回答 (2)

2006-10-25 4:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Do you remember the experiment to investigate rate of reaction.
You put an X on a paper and put on it a beaker containing thiosulphate and HCl. Yellow ppt. of sulphur formed and make the X invisible.

So. I guess your beaker is not washed clean enough. e.g. it has acid residue.

Yellow sulphur is formed.
2006-10-25 3:43 am

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