Vitamin C tablets or fresh fruits? (15 marks)

2006-10-25 12:48 am
My teacher said that fresh fruits are better than vit. C tablets. why is it better to consume fresh fruits as a source of vitamin C compared to the vitamin C tablets?

回答 (2)

2006-11-02 10:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Vitamin C tablets is synthesis artificiallly, and it only contains vitamin C. Unlike vitamin C tablet, fresh fruits have vitamin C and other nutrients, like dietary fibre. So, fruit is more beneficial to you. Another point have to noticed is that natural vitamin C from fresh fruit may be more easy to be absorbed by us than the vitamin C in the tablet.

And vitamin C tablet will have a chance to be contaminated during the manufacture process.
2006-10-25 1:02 am
Because vitamin C tablets is a king of medicine.

2006-10-24 17:04:10 補充:
sorry, please change king into kind
參考: meself

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