
2006-10-25 12:26 am
本人想明年去新西蘭, 應於什麼月份去最好呢?, 有什麼特別的地方一定要去見識下呢?有什麼手信可以買呢? 希望大家給點資料吧! 如要跟團, 那一間做得好呢?

回答 (2)

2006-10-25 5:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
depens on你中意冬天活動抑或夏天活動啦﹑~
南島﹔QUEENS TOWN﹐NZ最靚既地方~ 冬天滑雪夏天玩水~

TE ANUE﹐螢火蟲洞~(唔系螢火蟲但系KIND OF 會發光的物體~坐船仔入去~感覺好正~)

Milford sound~ 米福爾峽谷﹐坐船觀賞NZ的湖光山色。


北島﹔ BAY OF ISLAND﹐ 潛水類型的活動﹐勁正~ 靚景 我個人覺得北島無南島好玩~

手信阿﹐買comvita的蜂皇漿啦﹐系香港買900一樽3百幾粒﹐但系奧克蘭就NZD60-80 大概3﹐ 4百港幣~ 仲有羊毛製品囉.新西蘭最HIT的運動欖球﹐好多人去NZ都會買NZ欖球隊ALL BLACK的紀念品~好有代表性~ 我每次返HK都會買好多HAM火腿﹐新西蘭D火腿幾正ga, 仲有芝士.,,,

HK好多團去NZ﹐我媽咪參加過WINGON﹐其實你最近要睇下行程岩唔岩心水。i think﹐D團質素都差唔多..



you may email me if u have any question about new zealand~
參考: 我系NZ~好多年拉~
2006-10-25 8:28 am
i dont know which season is the best ( honestly ), because four season gives you four different experience. I can tell you i like all of it. I've been NZ 5 years and every year i travel at least twice between North and South Island.

For Summer which is December, It is the best time to North Island, for example, Bay of Plenty, Bay of Island,. I think no one want to go beautiful beach in winter, no way, too cold. I would say summer Christchurch is better then winter christchurch for my experience in past 4 years. If you like flower, trees, flora and fauna, Christchurch is nice. You enjoy beach and sunshine, Bay of Island, Bay of Plenty ( cool ).

For Winter which is about June til August. You can decided to go to South Island, especially Southern Lake and West Coast. Southern Lakes include Queenstown, Arrowtown, Wanaka... etc. West Coast include Fox Glacier, Franz Joseph. If you like Lake, snow mountain, ski, glacier. Winter is the best option for you.

Rotorua, Lake Taupo, Waitomo, Vocanic Area. Cool geothermal activities can be found in Rotorua and grow-worm can be found in Waitomo. Four season...

Mt Cook is the other good place. Four season give you four different experience. you can see snow Mountain in Summer as well.

Auckland, Wellington these major city, i think every tour will including in it, so i dont talk too much. Auckland you will may decide to go to Mission bay, Sky City, Harbour Bridge, Downtown Princess Wharf, Museum... etc I personally like Mission Bay, Downtown and Museum. I dont know why i can spend about 5 hours in such ( i expected to be ) boring place for this long and finally i feel interesting. Wellington, you may find Te Papa is a must go place. Mt Victoria give you full view of Wellington Harbour ( at night time, real cool )

more city description, place refer to these page. they chose me as the best answer (it have word limit) so i want to give you more detail in Souvenirs
related knowledge:

I would say honey is the best options, there is lot of brands and lots of different type you can choose. most of the brand is from one factory in south island (certainly some of it is not many honey factory in NZ), dont worry about the brand, they all the same, but which type of honey. I personally dont like Manukau Honey, taste not sweet, I like Cream Clover.

Kiwifruit product like sweet and dry fruit is quite good. Greenstone (expensive) but worth to have a look and decide.

Manuka Honey hand cream, Lotion is good. I personally have it. Lanolin, if you want to buy it. Is good. but not sure about the brand. (dont buy cheap brand)

Sheepskin is the best in NZ, but really expensive. but quality is real good.

If you like sport, All Blacks products is you options as well, I am not sporty people, but i like this brand.

Remember in you trip, go to see Kiwi bird and Maori Shows, these are New Zealand logo and culture. Farm show is highly recommanded.

I have already tell you all the best things in New Zealand, you may find out more and tell other people after your trip.

2006-10-25 00:37:02 補充:
just refer to nice2cu000 most people dont like queenstown in summer, because it is too hot. if say jet boat, Taupo is better, still hot, but feel better. but i still suggest you to go queenstown, I think if you havent been queenstown, you havent been New Zealand.

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