
2006-10-24 10:32 pm
看過很多部宮崎駿的動畫, 故事中主角或人物或多或少都會在天空上出現, 例如龍貓, 魔女宅急便等, 天空之城更是代表作. 但為甚麼他對天空那麼有興趣呢?有甚麼情意結呢?

回答 (2)

2006-10-26 2:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Maybe his father or mother is a pilot ? or the place where he is living can watch the sky?

On the other hand, you may find out that the appearances of some characters in some story are very similar , almost the same (for example 那個在千與千尋的窩爐爺爺其實在天空之城出現過 只是他們的工作不同)
2006-10-24 10:39 pm

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