
2006-10-24 9:30 pm


回答 (2)

2006-10-30 9:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
初級生產為農業, 礦業等生產原料的生產.
二級生產為工業生產, 即製造業, 如製衣, 電子業等
三級生產為金融服務業及提供增值服務, 如電腦程式, 證券業等

香港開埠時, 主要以初級生產為主, 如捕魚業和農業
後來大陸的政策令大量企業家帶著資金逃難到香港, 落地生根, 製造業開始主導香港經濟
到大陸開放改革開始, 大批廠家北上設廠, 香港漸漸轉形為以金融服務業為主, 直至現在
2006-10-24 10:08 pm
Primary production means farming, raw materials ...etc.
Secondary production means 加工

Usually, the production will export to other countries to earn foreign currency.

For example, in China, many raw material export to other counteries such as rice, gold.... etc. It will increase the GDP for China. As you may know the GDP factor included production.

Besides, Secordnary production like HK, HK no raw materials production and only depends on the secordary production such as Watch, Clothes etc. And then will export to other counteries to earn forign currency.
參考: Self

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